Bee514 offers honeybees products and services for beekeepers. We manufacture natural beeswax foundation from our or yours beeswax. We sell small nucs colonies and some beekeeping supplies. Please, call us for any questions.

Beeswax foundation


From your beeswax, we make beeswax foundation, the best beeswax made from your own bees either in small or large quantities.

5$ / lb  – exchange your beeswax to beeswax foundation. 

In order to prepare to make beeswax foundation, we sterilize our mechanical machines from undesirable organisms.

beeswax buy or exchange for foundation


Production Beeswax became our passion and so we make quality beeswax for our needs and for many beekeepers, in Quebec and in Ontario.
From your beeswax, we make beeswax foundation, the best beeswax made from your own bees either in small or large quantities. We also buy your beeswax!



Only Quebec acclimatized bees. Each nuc (nucs colony) consists of a small bee colony with Queen, 2 food frames, 2 frames for brood.

Please, call us at the end of May. When picking up your nuc you must have: a smoker, a bee suit, an adhesive tape
Note: some bees could escape from the box, it is important to not be accompanied by children or allergic persons. As soon as the Nuc is in your transport vehicle you become fully responsible for it and its honeybees.

beekeeping products: honey, propolis, pollen


The bee hive is a storehouse of useful substances. Honey, propolis, pollen – all these products only benefit us. For many millions of years, people use for their livelihood, treatment and health maintenance products of the life of bees: honey, beeswax, flower pollen, propolis,  etc. We sell some of these products for our friends. To buy honey, propolis and other beekeeping products, please, call us or email us for RFQ.

Beekeeping supplies and materials


Hives / Frames. The basis of any beehive is the frame, which, in turn, can also be vertical, horizontal, or square. Advantages of wooden frames:
• natural wood does not contain chemical impurities;
• wooden frames and beehives are well ventilated and conserve heat.

Frame assembled and waxed. Frame size needs to be discussed.